Who We Are

Our desire is to be a place where people can find answers about and begin a relationship with God and then learn to grow in their faith, connect with.


Start by exploring what you know about Christ and taking steps to begin that relationship.  Then, gain strength for your faith through worship, practical Bible teaching and prayer.  Its simple, but powerful.


In a world where lonliness is rampant, we desire to be a place where you can belong, build friendships and find support.  Whether in a small group or just by getting to know others, we thrive on  being a caring community. 


Whether it is greeting people as they arrive for church, volunteering in children's ministry, blessing a local family in need or supporting a missionary across the world, serving others is what we are called to do. 

What we believe

I. We affirm our complete confidence in the Bible and treasure its truths and respect its reproofs.

II. We acknowledge the Triune God as the Creator and Providential Sustainer of all things.

III. We claim the God-Man Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, and acknowledge Him to be the object of our worship and the subject of our praise.

​IV. We recognize the Holy Spirit’s necessary and continuing work in the world to bring conviction, comfort and power.

V. We believe that Adam’s disobedience brought sin and death to the world.

VI. We believe that no one has any hope of eternal life apart from the new birth made possible by the Savior’s death and bodily resurrection.

VII. We affirm that those who accept God’s sincere love gift of salvation by faith alone become new creatures in Christ.

VIII. We live in the anticipation of our Lord’s promised return which could occur at any moment.

IX. We are convinced that all the living and the dead will either experience eternal fellowship with God or eternal separation from God.

X. We are grateful to be a part of a local body of believers which exists to proclaim God’s truth, to administer the ordinances, to discipline believers, and to bring glory to God.

Our Pastor

Rob Allen

Pastor Rob provides overall direction, leadership and teaching for Harmony.  He is a husband to Beth and has three children, four grandchildren and two sons in law. 

He is passionate about seeing lives changed by the work of Christ.  He loves to read, create art and spend time with his family.  For a message from Rob, click on the video link.